What is NET?
NET (Neuro Emotional Technique) is a blend of the latest scientific research and old Eastern healing techniques. It acknowledges the relationship between the mind and body.
NET was originally developed as a way to find and correct the emotional/stress component to a physical ailment.
NET is a mind/body or body/mind approach
Why NET?
NET is used to help the body handle the emotional/stress component to health, wellness and healing.
The goal is to identify and correct a meridian imbalance - NOT the emotion, emotions do not need to be corrected.
NET is largely defined as a stress-reduction technique
NET uses speech pathways along with semantics, emotions, reflex points, kinesiology, muscle testing and some acupuncture principles.
We are trained to assist the body's healing process through the identification and balancing of emotional influence, reality caused by past, real or imagined events.
NET identifies negatively charged emotions and releases them to normalise behavioural patterns
Is it for me?
NET is great for targeting stored trauma, or those dealing with long-term emotional trauma.
Some signs that could indicate NET is for you:
You often feel overwhelmed
You can randomly burst into tears
You have little to no motivation to engage in activities you love
You self sabotage
You are seeing repeated circumstances/behaviours play out
What are the benefits?
More and more research is being done, but key benefits of NET can be seen in physical presentations but also psycho-emotionally.
Reprogramming of the subconscious to overcome psycho-emotional blocks
Understanding where limiting beliefs have come from and how they are holding you back
Provides a greater understanding of what you need in your relationships with friends and family, allowing more fulfillment
Improved symptoms of stress and anxiety
NET Remedy sprays are sometimes used in consultation to assist with integration