About Naturopathy
Focusing on the pillars of health, Naturopathy harnesses holistic treatment to target the whole body.
A combination of the following approaches may be used in conjunction with tailored recommendations during your consultation.
We use herbs in a safe and effective manner to support the innate healing process of the body, harnessing the phytochemistry of the plant to target specific organs and tissues. We dispense liquid herbs, tablets, powders and bespoke creams as required.
Herbal Medicine
Food as medicine is where real change can be implemented. Rectifying nutritional deficiencies is essential for health. We can prescribe nutritional supplements and provide you with diet and lifestyle recommendations depending on individual needs.
As a form of energetic medicine, the essences are used in correlation to our emotions. Specific flowers are often used when treating specific conditions and can be used adjunctly. Flower essences can be safely used by everyone, even pets.
What can naturopathy support?
As a modality, naturopathy is both holistic and preventative so is well suited to a range of health concerns and body systems - chronic and acute, including:
Nervous system: stress, mental health, anxiety, depression, fatigue, memory and concentration, ADHD, ASD, sleep/insomnia, headaches and migraines
Gastrointestinal system: poor digestion, bloating, diarrhoea, constipation, IBS/IBD and reflux
Hormones: PCOS, endometriosis. menstrual system irregularities, libido, peri-menopause, menopause, painful periods, PMS and PMDD
Skin concerns: acne, eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis and rosacea
Immune system: frequent colds/flus, autoimmune conditions, allergies, chronic fatigue and hay fever
Genitourinary health: BV (bacterial vaginosis), thrush, UTI’s, recurrent infections
General wellbeing such as energy, weight management, preventative measures where there might be a genetic predisposition, pre or post surgery support, sports nutrition and optimisation
and more!!