Coffee is not Breakfast

Do you experience the following'?

  • Increased heart rate or jittery feeling

  • Poor concentration

  • Anxiety

  • Digestive complaints

  • Low iron

  • Difficulty digesting food

  • Headaches

  • Fatigue

  • Dehydration

  • Feeling like you're running on adrenaline

  • Moodiness or irritability

  • Hangry feeling

  • No appetite in the morning

When we consume coffee on an empty stomach, it sends our body straight into fight-flight mode through the stimulation of our adrenal glands and their release of cortisol and adrenaline.

Coffee consumed on an empty stomach, can often remain an empty stomach - it is treated like a meal (it's not!), and often people won't then eat something until much later as most people experience a loss of appetite.

Consuming coffee first before anything else causes an increased production of stomach acid, potentially contributing to digestive complaints.

Overtime, your body realises this stomach acid production is useless as there is nothing to digest, so slowly, your body will make less and less. This then contributes to inhibited iron absorption among other complications. Stomach acid is required for the absorption of iron.

Coffee is a diuretic - consuming it alongside water-soluble vitamins such as B vitamins, counteracts them via the increased urinary output.

Physically, heart rate is increased following coffee consumption with some people becoming jittery. This is all exacerbated when done on an empty stomach.

Mentally, some people experience poorer concentration and increased levels of anxiety.

So, what should you do?

Don't get it twisted, I'm not telling you to stop having coffee - only to be mindful of its timing. Coffee has great benefits too!

  1. Have breakfast first

  2. Wait 30-90 mins before having your coffee after eating

  3. Ensure your water intake is up, my rule is 3 cups of water for every 1 cup of coffee

  4. Avoid back to back coffees, pace yourself

  5. Have a cut off time, no coffees after 1pm, 2pm or 3pm etc.

If you're relying on your coffee for an afternoon energy pick me up, it might be a sign to get in touch so we can delve a little deeper and see what's really going on.


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