6 pillars to great health

Sometimes we over complicate it and need a reminder to get back to basics. Here are my 6 pillars to great health that I talk about with clients constantly.

  1. Hydration

    Water hydrates our cells and facilitates many functions in our bodies.

    Roughly 1 litre of water to every 20kg of body weight is required for daily replenishment.

    If possible, ensure water is filtered. You can add a pinch of celtic sea salt to support electrolyte replenishment.

  2. Good, whole, food

    Nutrition is the heart of health. Everybody and every body has their own requirements to be fulfilled.

    Balanced wholefoods, a combination or good quality protein, fats and whole grains, as well as an actual rainbow of fruit and vegetables is the way to go - as well as listening to your body.

  3. Movement

    Daily movement and its benefits can’t be negated. We see the health risks of sedentary life increasing.

    Make choices about daily movement, incidental stairs, walking instead of driving, a quick dance, alongside weight trainng or your favourite form of movement.

  4. Rest

    Necessary and and the force behind vitality, rest is required.

    The world is go, go, go but permission from yourself must be granted.

    Rest is self-care.

    Some ideas? Your bedroom could be tech free, or a bath or massage could form part of your weekly routine.

  5. Time outdoors

    Our circadian rhythm thrives in nature when given the oppurtunity, encouraging balance.

    Sun phobia, cold phobia, vitamin D deficiency, sleep issues and poor immune systems are far too common.

    Daily sunlight in the morning is one of the best thinks we can do for health, but if that doesn’t work for you - fit it in where you can.

  6. Outlook

    Words are powerful, including the way we speak (and think!) to ourselves.

    Do you show up for you?

    Be gentle but offer praise.

    Weaving in daily affirmations are powerful - especially gratitude.

    Be mindful of the words you use, self-defeating statement should be avoided.


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